Free Online Conference, Register Now: #MennoNerds on Race, Mutuality & Anabaptist Community

“The myth is that we don’t live in a highly racialized and white-controlled society, and that the Church isn’t complicit. But the truth is that race and racism affect all of us,” says Drew Hart, who blogs at What can Christians do and learn about racism? How do we name, explore, and critique violent systems,Continue reading “Free Online Conference, Register Now: #MennoNerds on Race, Mutuality & Anabaptist Community”

An Anabaptist “In House” Discussion: Forming a Non-Racist Approach to Ethics and Social Responsibility

I am concerned that many Anabaptists have unconsciously and unknowingly adopted a model for social action and ethics that is problematic because it cooperates with our racialized and unjust society. Therefore, I figured I would offer an “in house” discussion on the subject. This all flows out of listening to the language and comments ofContinue reading “An Anabaptist “In House” Discussion: Forming a Non-Racist Approach to Ethics and Social Responsibility”

the UNkingdom of GOD: Embracing The Subversive Power of Repentance by Mark Van Steenwyk – Book Review

Mark Van Steenwyk has written a thoughtful reflection on the significance of Jesus and his in-breaking Kingdom as an alternative way of being in our society that is marred by evil forces, social structures, death-dealing oppression, and coercive violence.  the UNkingdom of God is a subversive and anti-imperial vision for a repentant life concretely followingContinue reading “the UNkingdom of GOD: Embracing The Subversive Power of Repentance by Mark Van Steenwyk – Book Review”

Understanding Drew and #Anablactivism

Yup… I just titled myself in 3rd person! Well, I was honored to just be featured in Tyler Tulley’s The Jesus Event’s blog series “I once was raised… but now I’ve found…”. This is the first part, in a two part blog interview, in which I answer various questions around my own exploration, growth, andContinue reading “Understanding Drew and #Anablactivism”

Woke Up This Mornin’ With My Mind Stayed On Jesus

I have never been one to tip toe around my opinion of mainstream american religiosity. I have trouble labeling what passes for Christianity in America as such. This is not a statement on whether or not folks are among God’s family (which isn’t really for me to decide), but rather it is an ecclesiological and theologicalContinue reading “Woke Up This Mornin’ With My Mind Stayed On Jesus”

Christ’s Victory In Light Of The Cross

How significant is it that Christ was victorious over the authorities and the empire, which were actually the ones to sentence him to death? American Christians do not often talk about the cross in that type of manner, not being necessarily concerned with the social implications, but rather emphasize the cross’ ability to offer personalContinue reading “Christ’s Victory In Light Of The Cross”

Evangelical Split, Piper Imperialism, & a Search for Postcolonial Christian Expression

Many evangelical bloggers have just finished chiming in on Rob Bell’s new book.  While there have been a couple nuanced positions, overall most have fallen into two camps; conservative modernist evangelicals (especially reformed conservatives) and postmodern missional  evangelicals (especially emerging church leaders).  What I and others realized was that this internet and blogosphere battle thatContinue reading “Evangelical Split, Piper Imperialism, & a Search for Postcolonial Christian Expression”

Postcolonial Church???

I’ve been wondering what a post-colonial church would look like. What would it look like if Christian communities freed themselves from western cultural captivity. Any thoughts?

You are Wretched, Pitiful, Poor, Blind and Naked!

The third chapter of the book of Revelations Jesus writes a letter to the church of Laodicea. This community is a relatively wealthy community that seems to have all the material possessions one could want.  The letter written to them speaks into their context of financial security and wealth, greed, complacency, and self reliance.  SoundsContinue reading “You are Wretched, Pitiful, Poor, Blind and Naked!”

The Cat and the Toaster

This is a great book I’m reading… this is the second book in a row that I have posted without finishing it.  Nonetheless it is a great read.  I do plan to finish, but I also have school stuff I’m working on now that class has started back that will “distract” me from the realContinue reading “The Cat and the Toaster”