Michael Eric Dyson: A Special Message to Young Black Men

Given the troublesome black on black violence that has spiked in Chicago, and the overall black on black violent trends throughout America’s cities, Dyson has a word of encouragement.  What does this mean to you?  Freestyle with me…

It’s Friday… But Sundays Coming

A true freestyle theologian does not merely observe Good Friday and Ressurection Sunday, but rather they also seek to find out what practical implications there are from these biblical principles for their communities.  Freestyle with me, are there areas of despair in your life and in society that just seem hopeless?  How can Sunday invadeContinue reading “It’s Friday… But Sundays Coming”

Lynching: Michael Donald

While most think of lynchings as something from another era, lynchings while not as numerous went well into the 20th century. The last recorded lynching was on the 21st of March, 1981. The young man’s name was Michael Donald, and he was lynched at the age of 19.  Even though we no longer have lynchingsContinue reading “Lynching: Michael Donald”

Lynching: The Cross and The Lynching Tree

Prominent African American theologian James Cone has made the connection between crucifixions in the first century under the Roman Empire  and lynchings in post Civil War America. Both of these rugged trees were used to maintain control over a people group. Criminals, revolutionaries, and innocent men were hung up on these trees to not onlyContinue reading “Lynching: The Cross and The Lynching Tree”

Lynchings: A Public Spectacle

While we tend to think of lynchings as an act by a few hateful individuals, the reality is that often times it was an event for the whole family. Many times as seen above, the whole town came out to watch the black body swing until the last breath has gone out. Often black malesContinue reading “Lynchings: A Public Spectacle”

Lynching: An American Symbol

Unfortunately, lynching is as much an American symbol as applie pie.  You don’t have to teach people about a noose, because even if someone doesn’t know the details, a noose’s meaning is embedded deep into America’s core.  It’s an ugly part of our history that most want to ignore or forget.  That is because lynchingsContinue reading “Lynching: An American Symbol”

Lynchings: Strange Fruit by Billie Holiday

Here is old footage of Billie Holiday performing her classic song Strange Fruit. Strange Fruit is a powerful and vivid song describing the henous lynchings that took place in the south. The strange fruit was the dead black bodies that were left hanging on the trees. This practice of lynching black bodies (especially black males)Continue reading “Lynchings: Strange Fruit by Billie Holiday”