If You Missed It Live, Here’s the Recording: #MennoNerdsOnRace Panel Video

We had an excellent conversation on Race, Racism, Injustice, Reconciliation, and how following Jesus should make a difference in a racialized society, while specifically considering how Anabaptist communities have been wrestling with these issues in North America. We dialogued about how we were all living and learning into a new way that renounced and resistedContinue reading “If You Missed It Live, Here’s the Recording: #MennoNerdsOnRace Panel Video”

Detailed Instructions (and options) for Watching & Participating in the #MennoNerdsOnRace Event

Please take a moment and read over the instructions to actually participate in the live event on Race, Mutuality, & Anabaptist Community this Thursday. Here are detailed instructions for how to log in when it starts, as well as how to propose questions for the panel. We know many people have not used Google hangouts before soContinue reading “Detailed Instructions (and options) for Watching & Participating in the #MennoNerdsOnRace Event”

Free Online Conference, Register Now: #MennoNerds on Race, Mutuality & Anabaptist Community

“The myth is that we don’t live in a highly racialized and white-controlled society, and that the Church isn’t complicit. But the truth is that race and racism affect all of us,” says Drew Hart, who blogs at drewgihart.com. What can Christians do and learn about racism? How do we name, explore, and critique violent systems,Continue reading “Free Online Conference, Register Now: #MennoNerds on Race, Mutuality & Anabaptist Community”