I Still think James Cone is better than N.T. Wright!

A few months back I stirred up a lively discussion on facebook on why I prioritized James Cone over N.T. Wright as a theologian.  I STILL feel the same and this is why… N.T. Wright is a first class biblical scholar, he is brilliant, and I have learned much from his works. However, N.T. WrightContinue reading “I Still think James Cone is better than N.T. Wright!”

Now I Understand… I’m a Dad!!!

Yes I am a Dad, thank you very much. And this little guy has turned my world upside-down (in a good way, despite no sleep). I had heard comments referring to this from other fathers, they would say things like, “there is nothing like it”, and I kinda smile as I went about my business.Continue reading “Now I Understand… I’m a Dad!!!”

I’m featured on the new site Jabberbox.tv

Go over to Jabberbox.tv and check out an article of mine that they posted today on black history month.  It’s a new site committed to Real Talk on Faith, Life, and Culture. Also if you hurry you can enter their contest to win a free Kindle!!!

Negro History Week – Once You Go Black…

Do you know the origins of black history month? it actually started this day (February 7th) back in 1926. It was initiated by Carter G. Woodson who wanted to make a concerted effort to incorporate the accomplishments and history of African Americans in the larger American story. Unfortunately, the black experience was systematically ignored asContinue reading “Negro History Week – Once You Go Black…”

Black History: Focusing in on Bonhoeffer???

It could be seen as a bit strange to be focusing in on a white person during black history month, right? After all, the whole purpose of black history month is to finally learn about the experiences, culture, and heritage of black people in a culture that only values white history, culture, and literature. Nonetheless,Continue reading “Black History: Focusing in on Bonhoeffer???”

How will you participate in Black History Month?

While most months of the year our country is consumed in white history and culture, ignoring the contributions and culture of African Americans, February (yes the shortest month) is set aside for the purpose of learning and celebrating African American history and culture. For many this month is only Black History month in name, whileContinue reading “How will you participate in Black History Month?”