If You Missed It Live, Here’s the Recording: #MennoNerdsOnRace Panel Video

We had an excellent conversation on Race, Racism, Injustice, Reconciliation, and how following Jesus should make a difference in a racialized society, while specifically considering how Anabaptist communities have been wrestling with these issues in North America. We dialogued about how we were all living and learning into a new way that renounced and resisted the current practices that support white control and domination in our Christian communities and movements. It was an excellent discussion with diversity of thought and insight that made the time rich and meaningful. Be sure to favorite the video and then find sometime to watch it (maybe in parts) or in one long sitting. And please share it with others, we hope it can be a resource to the Church at large, as it wrestles with these realities as followers of Jesus. We were also truly grateful for the great dialogue and questions we received from people through various social media forums. Excellent and sometimes difficult questions were asked. Likewise, look forward to other #MennoNerds conversations to be taking place in the future with other excellent voices chiming in on a variety of important topics that need to be taking place.

Published by Drew G. I. Hart, PhD

Rev. Dr. Drew G. I. Hart is an associate professor of theology at Messiah University and has 10 years of pastoral experience prior to teaching. He currently directs Messiah University's "Thriving Together: Congregations for Racial Justice" program and co-hosts Inverse Podcast with Jarrod McKenna, an award-winning peace activist from Australia. Hart is the author of Trouble I've Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism (2016) and Who Will Be A Witness?: Igniting Activism for God's Justice, Love, and Deliverance (2020). And he is also a co-editor and contributor to the recently published book entitled Reparations and the Theological Disciplines: Prophetic Voices for Remembrance, Reckoning, and Repair (Nov. 2023). Hart received bcmPEACE’s 2017 Peacemaker Award, the 2019 W.E.B. Du Bois Award in Harrisburg, PA, and most recently in December 2023 Life Esteem Ministries recognized him in Harrisburg with the Harambee Award for the Nguzo Saba Principle of Umoja—Unity for his faith-based activism and public scholarship in the community. Drew and his family live in Harrisburg, PA.

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